What is the biggest challenge you face when dieting?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mealtime Prayer

Countless times in childhood, we prayed over meals 'that they may go to the nourishment of our bodies.' Can you imagine God as he then watched us devour a pack of processed hot dogs, irresponsibly sweetened 'treats', milk dairies that our bodies struggle to digest, and other artificially flavored, colored and preserved foods, among an endless list of unnatural 'edibles'? I believe I have been foolish with how I treat my 'temple of God'. Instead of living my way, praying and expecting, I should have been seeking wholesome foods that have already received and accepted the command to nourish human flesh. Only then would my body, mind, and spirit be able to flourish. For years, I ignorantly questioned why my health was so poor without dedicating any energy to investigate how my food consumption affected my health, despite the direct correlation one has to the other. It has taken me 24 years to begin understanding this concept. I have taken responsibility for my poor decisions and know that I cannot undo any of those meals.

Steps I am taking to show that I am serious about making a change are:
educating myself about wholesome, healthy foods and foods that are difficult or impossible to digest and are nutrient poor; recording eating habits to enlighten myself to any poor choices; applying what I've learned to my current and future food choices, educating others about what the food they choose is doing to their bodies; detoxifying my body of previously consumed toxic food and drinks; rehabilitating my body from the damage those toxic foods have done; investing in a home garden so that I can eat food I am confident is healthy and unprocessed.

As I continue on this journey to health, I am only further compelled to help others. It is not my position to judge you for your food or lifestyle choices, but I would like to enlighten you to the effects and consequences of said choices so that you may be able to make better decisions just as I have chosen. Also, I want to make your journey as easy as possible by making my realizations and research available. As always, consult a trusted physician who has similar goals for your health about diet changes.

Below is a link to Bible verses you can use to shape an informed opinion on what you should be consuming.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why am I?

Are you fulfilling your purpose in life? Do you even feel like you have purpose? I guarantee there is a reason you are in this world. If you have been consuming and surrounding yourself with unnatural things, you may feel disconnected from life, yourself, your family and friends. I know that I got to a point where I felt uncomfortable even being around the ones who love me most. I missed how easily a smile would come to my face in the past. I forgot how joyful life could be.

My new lifestyle has allowed me to be an openhearted, selfless person. Have the stresses of life vanished? NO! I have simply equipped myself with tools that allow me to cope with everyday life. I am still paying the same bills every month, facing the same mountain of student loan debt and surrounding myself with mostly the same folks I was before my change for the better. The difference is that now I can take deep breaths and feel secure that I will always have just what I need. I can also look past the cynical critics and those with evil intentions to see the hurt, disturbed child within them. Instead of being annoyed or disgusted with the words and actions of others, I am compelled to help them let go of their ill feelings toward me, others, and themselves so that they can experience true happiness as well.

So how does all of this help you? My hope is that you will draw strength from my positive energy and strive to inspire those around you to begin harboring positivity. A major part of becoming a happier you is changing what you feed your mind, body and soul. Picture a cuddly teddy bear. Its purpose is to be lovable and provide a sense of security and entertainment. If the teddy bear is filled with gravel and broken glass, it would no longer be huggable or safe. Over time, the bear's appearance will also begin to wear from the inside out showing evidence of being filled with something bad. However, if the same bear is filled with soft cotton, as intended, it will be able to serve its purpose and only need worry about natural wear.

In the same regard, if we fill our bodies with unnatural food that does not provide nourishment and inhibits natural functions, we cannot function properly, will fall vulnerable to disease, and will feel more intense pain emotionally and physically from the inflammation of our nerves. If we fill our minds with negative thoughts and selfish desires, we cannot support or care for ourselves, family or friends. If our soul is filled with anger and harboring past scorn, we will not be whole and will continue down a path of sorrow and pain.

Open your hearts and minds to this message and examine your life today. If you are not joyful and satisfied, you can be. You just have to allow yourself. If you don't know your purpose, start with taking care of yourself and feeding yourself only what it can use in a constructive, positive manner. Only then will you be able to see your true purpose in life no matter how big or small it may seem.

"It is never too late to be what we might have been." ~ George Eliot