What is the biggest challenge you face when dieting?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Are What You Eat

If you put anything in your vehicles except the gas, diesel or oils that it needs and can use, it will run less efficiently or break down completely. Expecting anything else would be mechanically ignorant.

Why do we fuel our bodies with excess sugars, fats, preservatives, flavorings and many toxins, then wonder why we are sprinting down a path to diabetes, cardiac disorders, obesity, gastrointestinal and other serious health issues as a nation.

We're smarter than this. We have to be. Cliche as it may be 'You are what you eat.' I started a change in my diet and have experienced ZERO negative effects aside from critics and naysayers who can watch me get healthy while I eat delicious food to my heart's content and argue with that!

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